Friday, March 21, 2008

I don't know how

I'm going to tell my youngest boys why I couldn't come to the movie with them.

Today I had to do one of the hardest things I've done in a long, long time. My oldest called to tell me our cat was not acting well. He was crying and that was my cue to come directly home.

I was on my way to meet my boys at the theater. They were already there with friends and I was to join them. Instead, I took my oldest and our cat to the vet where we had to have the conversation about what to do with our desperately ill cat.

Watching a 16 year old cry is awful. Yes, I've seen him cry before, but this time, it was painful.

Part of having pets(in my adult mind) is knowing that they can get sick and die and cost a lot of money, etc etc etc. But, we still take all of this on because the joy and love they give and bring to your family is so worth the price.

Except today, having to make the decision to put our cat down and having my son hear me make that decision was ... I can't even think of a word strong enough to describe the heartache.

Maci was loved. My sons loved her, my husband loved her and I loved her. She was a different cat, not very friendly except on her terms(similar to my 16 and 12 year old). Even though she was with us a short time, we will miss her.


Nichole Conner said...

OH Rebecca. I am so sorry. I know that your boys are all sad, the loss of a pet is never easy. Please know that I am thinking about you all. Man, that wasn't how you wanted to spend your long weekend-being sad that is. My thoughts are with you and Maci.

Margaret said...

Oh, dear, this time will be coming soon to our family. Our cat Kendra (same feisty personality as yours) is 13 years old. My older daughter adopted a 14 year old cat from the Animal Shelter. I think loving pets is a great lesson for people about the joys and pain of caring. It's real life. My condolences on the loss of your beloved pet.