Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am exhausted from all the field trips, paperwork, picnics, student melt-downs, ball games, loads of laundry. I don't think we can cram much more in these last few days!

There is a ticker on my school's website counting down the days to graduation. My stomach does a funny little flip everytime I look at that counter. Part of me is so relieved to be free of worrying about my oldest son's grades, assignments, etc. Another part of me understands that those worries are shifting into a whole new phase that involves major life decisions, etc.

I have worked hard this year to worry less and laugh more... remember my resolution(promise). I truly believe that, for me, worry is sinful and something that separates me from my true purpose. It robs me of my joy and keeps me focused on things that I cannot control instead of things that I can change for the better.

So, as I enter the last few hours of parenting a son that is entering a new phase in his life, I am making a promise to myself to enjoy my time with him this week. My baby is almost ready to fly.


Margaret said...

That was me a year ago--trying to pick my battles with a high school senior who felt ready to get out of the house and move on to the next stage of her life. (but I wasn't ready!) It is bittersweet to let go, but we never really do. There are always the worries and the joys. What are his plans for next year?

Nichole Conner said...

Oh Rebecca, this post made me cry. God, I can't believe Alex is graduating!!! But I SHOULD believe it....crazy!!

Jen said...

Our priest always says that you can't worry about what might happen, but instead have to live each day to the fullest. I agree that it is sometimes so hard to do. I pray the serenity prayer more than anyone you have ever met. I love watching the relationship between you and your sons and hope Lake and I share the same bond.