Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Famous Love

Growing up I was sure I was going to be famous. I envisioned myself as either a star of the stage or music scene. I worked toward my goals by taking dance, acting, voice and piano lessons. I auditioned for numerous plays (and got a lot of parts), played in different bands and worked hard on perfecting my "craft".

When I met my husband, my biological clock started clicking so loudly, it totally derailed my vision of my future. I abandoned my dreams of super stardom and set my sights on having a family with this man.

I really didn't have any idea how to make a family or marriage work. My own parents were divorced and while they were married they were very unhappy. My grandparents had had a happy marriage but having viewed this relationship as a child, I wasn't sure I had made things look better than they actually were.

Twenty years later, this man and I are married. Still. My marriage has lasted longer than my parents marriage by 4 years. We have three wonderful sons that were very much wished for, and hoped for and prayed for. Our marriage has gone through some very difficult times ~ try raising three sons while your husband works full time, goes to college full time all while you work full time. But mostly, our marriage has been full of wonderful times.

Tonight, when I sat down to write about my upcoming anniversary, I realized that I am famous. I might not be a famous actress or rock star, but I am famous. I am loved, adored and appreciated by my husband 0f 20 years and our three beautiful sons. And that, that, is better than any fame I could have imagined for myself all those years ago.

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