Saturday, May 23, 2015

Let Summer Break Begin

Today marks the end of another school year. Looking back, I can see that it was a great year with many accomplishments and goals met. I had two wonderful interns that I got to watch grow and become teachers before my very eyes. We had five students make all-state choir, 2 members and 3 alternates. Looking forward to next year with many talented kids. Looking froward to next year I am in disbelief that Aidan is a senior. I cannot believe he's almost done with this part of his life!

I have lots of things I want to accomplish this summer: fix master bath, clean out garage, re-do front bed and get rid of bushes, start exercising/walking/biking, sing some great songs with Deadwood, learn some new songs for school, read a great book, or two, hang out with my boys, sleep late, re-do my bedroom, visit Interlochen, go to a baseball game, play with my jamstik, get a tan, recharge my battery.

Here's to a great summer break.