Sunday, March 14, 2010

Up at 6, Down at 11

I figure I spend less than 1/2 my awake time at work each day. Yet, I allow work to occupy much more of my thought time and emotional energy than that.

I have never been someone that wanted a job that defines me. I'd like to think that I am much more than that.

After being on break for a week, I see that I am allowing myself to be defined by my work. And it's going to stop.

I love what I do. I worked hard to further my education. I believe passionately in what I do. Yet, it is not all that I do. It is not all that I am passionate about.

So, tomorrow, I'm not going to complain about being back at school. I had a lovely break and I'm glad I got some me time. What happens, happens.

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