Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Book

You know the one I'm talking about. Did you love it? Hate it?

I'm reading it for the 2nd time.

I. Loved. It. Every chapter.

I had made some predictions. I was right on for some and way off for others.

JK Rowling thank you for sharing your gift. Harry and his world were a true delight.

1 comment:

Nichole Conner said...

I LOVEDDDDDDDDDDD it!! I was shocked, and I quit trying to figure things out, cause I kept guessing wrong!!! I want to talk with someone about this damn book face to face and not have the possibility of spoiling it for someone, we need to get together soon!!!!!

Glad you had a fun time in AZ, we need to get together and share pics of our vaca's....and Nicole has some too, I love to look at people's pictures....weird I guess, but hey, I love pictures...... hehe