Sunday, February 27, 2011


I have a lot of people that I call friend. According to facebook, I have 463 "friends". How is it then, that I have no one I talk to on a daily basis except for my husband and children?

In my new job, I spend most of the day talking to my students and not other teachers. Maybe it's because I work with much older kids now and you can actually talk to them (not about personal things, calm down)and I don't really work with a team. It took me a few days to get used to this new level of interaction. Older kids are much more into who you are and what you think and they watch EVERY move you make. In my new position, I'm much more isolated from other adults, well except for Dee. Ü

Maybe I'm not a good friend. Maybe the people I used to think were my friends were really just people I saw at work and we were work friends. Adult friendship is tricky. Balancing family time, work time, personal time and friend time. Maybe I'm just being sensitive and blah blah blah.

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