Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The first letter I would like to write is to the bankers that are upset that the public/taxpayers want their money back.

Dear Cheaterpants:

I won't pretend to understand what you've done that makes you deserving of a $700,000 bonus. You see, I'm only a teacher and therefore not smart enough to understand what a great risk you've taken this past year making money for your bank. I don't understand how you used my money, my friend's money and my mom's money to make more money. And now, you are going to get a bonus for making all that money WITH MY MONEY - and your bonus is more money than I will ever make teaching kids to read.

What I am smart enough to understand is that you used my money and now, you don't want to pay me back. You instead want to pay yourself more money - which is really my money and my friend's money and my mom's money.

So, shut your face and stop whining about being a big risk taker and deserving of that money. The only thing you really deserve is a time out for being a cheater.

Sincerely, Rebecca

1 comment:

Diane Melvin said...