Thursday, January 14, 2010

What Do You Say?

What do you say when a friend shares what is going on in their life? What do you say?

I know what to say (I know surprise surprise) when it is a happy topic. I'm good with happy. I'm even ok with some kind of problem solving/plan making.

But when a friend tells you their life is falling apart, and I mean a-p-a-r-t, what do you say?

I have no words and I need some.


Missy said...
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Missy said...

Oops, I misspelled a stupid homophone. :( What I said was, I think "I'm sorry. I'm here to listen whenever you need it" is always appropriate. Also, (((((HUGS))))))) to whoever that person is. :(

Etta said...

What would you want them to say to you?